We have many in the Lidgett Community – or Family, as we think of you.
There are those who choose to worship with us, those who visit our Foodbank, those who come to one of our groups, or a group run by an outside organisation within the Lidgett building, those we pray for, people who used to come who might now be housebound, those who live nearby or jog or dog-walk past the building and pause for a breather on one of the benches.
If there are ways you feel we could reach out better to you, please let us know – our aim is to be a welcoming, loving, accepting church to all (however loosely) connected to it. Just drop a line to our Administrator (lin.lidgett@outlook.com) or come along to a service, Community CafĂ© or Foodbank and speak to one of the staff. We’d love to hear from you.